I had been contemplating purchasing several
Download N Go curriculum sets by Amanda Bennett for my 2nd grader. My 6th grader and 4th grader are currently doing
Sonlight Core3, which we are enjoying immensely, but even though my 2nd grader tags along, many things are not at her level. Since I know that I cannot do two Cores at one time, I was wondering if these mini-units would be helpful. After reading Carisa's post on
1+1+1=1 regarding the Download N Go, I decided to purchase a couple and see how it goes.
We started the Winter Wonders unit this week. Each unit is designed to last one week, but we are going to cover it in 2. I set up my dd's notebook similar to Carisa, except I have the materials divided out by day so that we know where to stop (each day in the unit is spread out over 2 days in my notebook). I also typed out a vocabulary/book/craft list for each day so that my daughter knows which vocab. words to do for the day, which library book to read and if there are any other project to do.
All this to say, we love it so far! My dd is loving working one-on-one with me right now. She's enjoying doing her own special work. Today we read and learned about
Snowflake Bentley. He was the first person to photograph snowflakes. We were amazed at the beauty of each ice crystal. My dd was totally fascinated with all the photos. I was learning right along with her. I'd never heard of Snowflake Bentley before. We watched videos, looked at pictures on-line and read a book about him. Then we spent sometime making our own
virtual snowflakes---this was a little addicting. :)
Here are some other resources that we've added to the unit for today and tomorrow:
Creating a Real Crystal Snowflake --see photo above
Snowflakes-Early Reader Printable Book from Enchanted Learning
Dave's Snowflake Patterns
Snowflake Match by
Confessions of a Homeschooler
Labels: snowflake, unit studies