Monday, January 4, 2010

Project 365

Well I'm trying to get back to our regular routine---as if we really had one anyway. :) The holidays were enjoyable but I'm glad to pack up the decorations, clean up the house and start fresh. January is a month full of intentions. As I posted the other day, my theme for this year is "healthy". My goal is to go beyond intention and get to action, which will result in good routines and habits.

One good intention that I've had over the years is to complete Project 365--which I never have finished. Basically it is a challenge to take a photo a day to document the year.  Last year I got all the way through February before I dropped out. For me, a photo a day is not realistic. My goal this year is to not stress about it and try to get at least a photo a week. :)  I think that is a healthy goal for me :) I'm also not going to worry about trying to get the photos scrapped but rather will probably just post them here on my blog. I know that in the past I would actually take the pictures but the thought of scrapbooking all of them overwhelmed me. In order to help all those who would like to embark on this photography challenge,  Katrina Kennedy put out a wonderful free tutorial that helps get you thinking and planning for Project 365.  So if you take a photo a day, a photo a week or even a photo a month, capture some memories this year and share with others.



Anonymous Belinda Letchford said...

Thank you for this recourse. I had already decided to do a POTD with my son this year and you have given great tips and guidelines to help us be successful.

January 9, 2010 at 5:53 PM  

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