Women of Faith
I went to my first Women of Faith event about 7 years ago. Three friends and I drove 8 hours to attend, and we had high expectations. I was surprised at how it seemed that so many of the speakers spoke words I needed to hear at that moment in my life. My friends and I laughed, cried, and were inspired.
This summer Women of Faith is coming to my neck of the woods but I hesitated signing up due to cost and logistics. I found out Book Sneeze was asking for bloggers to blog the event, so I applied. I figured if God really wanted me there, he’d get me there. Well guess what--- I’ll be blogging the event! I’m expectant and long for a fresh touch of God’s spirit. I’m already encouraged that He worked out the details. I’m looking forward to hanging out with thousands of women worshiping God. Would you consider joining me?
If you have never heard of Women of Faith, I encourage you to listen to the video posted above. If you’d like to see if there is an event near you, check out the Women of Faith Website.
Labels: Women of Faith
Sounds like an awesome time!
Congrats! I got chosen as well and will be attending the WOF event in San Antonio in October
Congrats! I just got my invite in my email. I've never gone before so I am so excited to experience it for the first time. I've heard lots of great things. I'll be going to Kansas City, MO!
It's so awesome that God provided a way for you!
Congrats! I'm so jealous. They need me to blog, too, right? ;o)
Congrats! You will have the best time! I went to the conference in Phillie and learned a lot.
Thanks! I'm excited to go. Congrats. Jackie & Shirley!
Yes, I got the email from BookSneeze today too, so excited about attending in Dallas. I've never been before! Now the hard part, figuring out who to take with me!
I was chosen to blog the Women of Faith event in Charlotte, NC. I am so looking forward to it.
Yay!! I was chosen for charlotte, and this is my firat WoF ever!!
Congrats! I'll be taking my daughter to the one in Atlanta.
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