Our Summer Garden
My garden is looking a little over-grown at the moment. We’ve had lots of rain during the month of June and the plants loved it. In this mess of green I have beans, some herbs, a couple of cucumbers and lots of tomatoes.
My two other beds are full of tomato plants, green peppers and jalapeno plants. In about a week I should be able to pick a couple of tomatoes. Then I’m sure all the rest of the plants will come to fruit at the same time and I’ll be inundated with tomatoes. I need to get my tomato plan in order. Will I make most of them into sauce? juice? paste? salsa?
Last year my two girlfriends and I went in together and purchased this food strainer for making applesauce. It made the job go so much faster! I’m thinking that I can use tomatoes with this too. I need to pull it out, read the directions and figure out what to do before I’m swamped with tomatoes. Last year I got so overwhelmed that I just threw them whole in the freezer to deal with at a later date.
My girls love to help with the garden.
(Looking for bugs while mom is working in the garden)
They are learning so much about plants, bugs, and veggies by helping me with our garden.
(catching bugs and putting them in a bug-viewer)
I love that gardening gets us outside. It allows us to observe and work with the things God created.
And that reminded me to have my older kids do a summer nature study page--to give them time to sit and observe the sights of summer.
Garden Fun Project for Kids
Garden Theme Activities for Kids
Garden Theme Activities for Kids 2
May Garden Update
Labels: garden, printables
I can't wait for my tomatoes :) Your garden looks wonderful!
Gardening for children is such a great adventure - your garden looks awesome!
Here is our garden program we started - sadly we only got one bean - LOL However when I return to school next week I hope to take new pictures and see more growth!
Looks great! I think the food strainer would be a must have for tomatoes. Have you tried the salsa screen?
Your garden looks wonderful. Our plants aren't fairing as well.
This is great! Would you consider stopping by and linking up today for our Smart Summer Challenge? I think our other readers would enjoy your garden learning packet!!
pink and green mama
goodness - I'm in a corner shaking - that food strainer ... my mom made tomato sauce (and canned enough for an entire year each year when I was a kid). I can still remember her crankin that thing all day long - and the smell - the guts oozing out!!! (shaking shaking)
You guys should have called me! You could have borrowed my strainer. The applesauce screen will work for tomato sauce. If you have the salsa screen, it will do bigger pieces.
I'm so jealous of your garden! We got ours in late, so we're not close to harvesting anything yet. Maybe I'll come over while you're sleeping... ;o)
I love this post.
Thanks so much Cia! I often wish I could sit at your house and have you teach me how to can! I still remember your pickle post. I thought I might get around to doing that this year but I know I didn't plant enough cucumbers. I'm still learning!
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