Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Artistic Pursuits

My kids love art. I enjoy creating and crafting. I’ve done a poor job however, doing any formal lessons with my children. I’ve always been overwhelmed and did not know how to start or make lessons connect. When I told my kids that we were going to be trying out an art curriculum, they were so excited and couldn’t wait to start.

I was given Artistic Pursuits Grades 4-6 Book One to review with my children. I decided to use this with my three oldest kids--9yr. old, 11yr. old and 12yr.old. To get started, you will have to purchase some art supplies. There are art supply packs that you can purchase through Artistic Pursuits, or you can gather the supplies via other vendors.  I like that Artistic Pursuits makes getting supplies easy---even putting together supply lists to purchase at other sites. Just scroll down the page on the art supply packs to see your options. I went with Dick Blick and was very pleased with the price and how quickly the supplies came.


The Grade 4-12 books are non-consumable books written to the student. There really is not any teacher preparation. Since I was using it with three children at once, we did meet around the table while I read the lesson.  The older two also could move forward on their own because the material was easy to understand and implement.

Each unit contains:
*Focus topic explained in words and pictures.
*American Art Appreciation and History examples showing how masters used the topic in their art.
*Techniques: how to use the materials and tools.
*Application: final project that includes the new techniques and application of the topic.

(You can see sample pages of each of these categories on the product page)


What We Thought:
This has been a wonderful fit for our family. I like that it didn’t require lots of supplies or prep. time. The lessons were simple and easy to understand. To complete the whole program in a year, only 2 lessons a week would need to be scheduled—very doable for us.  This program is not a “how to draw curriculum”, but rather teaches students how to see creatively. I appreciate that there were creative choices given to the students, and I loved that art appreciation was included in each unit. I encourage you to read more about their art philosophy to understand how the curriculum is set up. All my kids love to draw, but I saw my 9yr. old really blossom using this program. She gained confidence in her artistic ability via the lessons. We will continue to use this curriculum in our homeschool. You can see samples of all their art curriculum at their website:

Artistic Pursuits
Price: 4-6 Book 1: $42.95

For More Artistic Pursuits Reviews See: Disclosure: I am a member of TOS and I was given this product free for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Blogger Confessions Of A Homeschooler said...

That's awesome that you like it, I've looked at it a few times, just never purchased it! Maybe I'll look again :o)

March 23, 2011 at 2:16 AM  
Blogger Sisterlisa said...

aww thanks for sharing her artwork with us. My daughters love to draw too. My 15 yr old just told me yesterday that she filled her sketchbook already and needs another one! Thanks for the recommendations.

March 24, 2011 at 5:27 PM  
Blogger Rodna Allman said...

We did Junior High Book 1.

We love it.

I am stopping by from the Blog Walk.

I know I am behind, but I am catching up.

I am now following you.

Would love a follow back.

Thanks. Have a great day.

March 30, 2011 at 1:17 PM  

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