School Plans 2010-2011
Now that the end of summer is drawing to a close, the theme on many homeschool blogs is school planning. I will admit that this year I'm finding it a little disheartening and discouraging to see everyone's plans. Oh, it's not that I don't like reading what others are doing---just the opposite---I love to get a glimpse in other homeschoolers' lives. The reason I find it so frustrating is that they are what I want to be----ORGANIZED! :) Yes, I'm jealous and I've been suffering from homeschool comparison and not feeling like I'm measuring up. I'll blame it partly on pregnancy hormones. I betcha I'm not the only one feeling this way either. It's an easy feeling to get caught up in during this time of the year.
Well now that I've opened up, I want to share the flip-side of this dilemma of not-really-having-a-plan-but-kind-of-winging-it. This feeling of inadequacy has caused me to pray more about what to do with our school year. Not that I didn't pray before, but this time, it really is going to be a faith-schooling year. Due to school budget cuts, and the fact that I'm adding a newborn in the mix in October, how I had envisioned my school year is not what is panning out. After talking to God about it, I now find this very exciting. It's going to be up to Him to bring us the right materials and opportunities---and get this----He's already doing it! This year I made The Old Schoolhouse's curriculum review crew and just this week I had some school curriculum given to me and was able to purchase a little more from Amazon gift cards!
I guess my whole point is don't be discouraged. If you don't have everything planned yet, that's ok. If you have a plan but don't have the materials, it will still be ok. This year I'm piecing together several units using things I already have on-hand or can get at the library. It takes some time but I love how individual it is for my kids. It's a nice switch from our normal school routine. Sometimes there are cycles in homeschooling where everything falls into place and the year can go as planned. Other years there might be more of a faith element. That can be exciting! Either way, I'm learning to leave room in my homeschool schedule for those unexpected but good, God educational moments.
So after sitting down this evening and seeing what I have, I'm already feeling better about our year. Here's what we have so far:
12yr. old DD and 10 yr. old DS: (For my sanity I need to combine as much as possible this year)
Bible: God, What's Your Name? by Kay Arthur (finishing from last year)
Science: Apologia General Science (will finish in 2yrs. in a co-op setting)
Math: Math Mammoth (finishing from last year) and then hoping to get Teaching Textbooks
History: Mathematicians are People Too unit study(see this blog post for more details); State Unit Study
Writing: Jump In by Apologia (finishing from last year)
Logic: Fallacy Detective
Grammar: Grammar Ace? I have on hand---we’ll see.
Reading: ? not sure. Will need to come up w/ some reading lists or something
Spanish: I have Rosetta Stone--need to figure out if it will work on kids computer so this is another ??
8yr. old DD:
Science: Land Animals of the 6th day by Apologia
Math: Math Mammoth
Geography: Unit by Confessions of A Homeschooler and A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth by Ann Voskamp
Spelling: Finishing up All About Spelling Level 2, hoping to get Level 3 in January.
Writing: ? not sure
History/Reading: Might do Sonlight Core 1 with her---not sure yet. I still have a couple Download N Go units for her to do too.
Almost 4yr. old DD:
Letter of the Week curriculum with materials from Confessions of a Homeschooler, Homeschool Share, and Totally Tots.
Almost 2yr. old DD:
Tot school stuff and if she can do some of the Letter of the Week activities, she’ll join in there too.
Disclosure: Most of the links in this post are affiliate links.
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Labels: curriculum
We have Grammar Ace and are also going to use Confessions of a Homeschooler's ABC Curriculum the second half of the year.
Congrats on making The Crew:-)! Look forward to your reviews!
I use faith every year! Without Him, ain't none of this gonna work. Excuse my grammar but you get my point. LOL! You have a beautiful blog and congrats on the baby and review crew. You will have a wonderful year. I'm speaking it! :-)
Isn't it just awesome how God works things for our good! He's is drawing you closer to Him! I can't wait to hear more about how He continues to provide and guide you in your faith-schooling year!!!
Looks like you've got a great school year shaping up! Visiting today from MM!
Seems like you have a great start to me! Enjoy the year and let Him be in charge!
It's hurdles like this that give our Father a chance to show us just how great He is. It looks like you're year is already shaping up and I'm looking forward to seeing more of God's provision in your school.
You're doing great! And isn't it wonderful to have so many free(& even not free) downloads available online?! Those are always such a blessing to me, too.
Thanks for the comments! Yes, everything is falling into place. And I am grateful for all the free resources found on the web. They have helped tremendously!
Thanks so much for being open, I am sure that your post is a blessing to all who read it. Wishing you a wonderful school year.
Please don't assume every blogger you read in this blog hop is as organized as she sounds. I know I'm not. I even have an older blog post titled I present a more "together" image than reality. Hang in there. This may be your best year yet!
We all have years when we feel less organized or less sure of our footing... but you're right that you will find a path that works for you, even with the addition of a new little on mid-year!
I've really enjoyed reading what you have to say and have bookmarked your pages on Mathematicians are People Too and Digital Scrapbooking (State Study) to come back to. Thanks for sharing!
Have a great year!
Now darling-I have told ya this a ton of times-you are the inspiration for many of us-and goodness-you are preggers and have 5 other kiddos to boot. You have nothing to feel frustrated about. :0) You have some great ideas here. Hugs and don't forget, you'll have TOS stuff to play with too! :0)
WOW God bless ya on all those homeschool projects this coming year! And a baby this year, too! Bet the little ones will keep you hopping. :)
You're doing awesome, trying to plan all that while pregnant is difficult, so take it easy on yourself, you're kids are blessed to have you as a mom and will glean from you what is important!
love all the links...especially the living math books! thank you for such a great post. all the best with the new little pumpkin coming in Oct!
I'm stopping by fromthe blog hop, and following you with GF. As a borderline ocd type person, I will confess I am so jealous of people who can let go more easily! =) It looks like you've got some good plans, and how exciting that a new blessing is due! God bless you and your family!
Ok can you give me some good ideas I have a 4 yr old that finished Letter Of The Week curriculum and because they are still adding to it ..I need to find something else in the mean time. DS is reading , pretty much writing a lot now and I could use a nice curriculum similar to LOTW and free if possible. Any ideas?
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