Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Nature Walk

Yesterday we packed a lunch, our clipboards and colored pencils and headed out for a nature walk at a local public garden. It was such a beautiful day, and where we live, the weather could switch in a moment. I wanted to be able to see fall before it was gone. (I can't be the only one who still can't believe it's fall---wasn't just yesterday summer?) I love the idea of nature walks, but this year we haven't done as many as I would like. We are working on incorporating more nature study times in our week. Most of the time all it takes is walking out your door, not necessarily having to go somewhere. My friend Jimmie has written what nature study is about if you'd like more information.

Each of my kids (even the 2yr. old) has a clipboard that holds paper and pencils. Periodically during the walk we would stop and they would sketch. On our walk I had them look for signs of fall and document that on their page.

My son couldn't keep his hands out of the water. He spied something at the bottom of the pond and wanted to show me what it was.

It was a big snail, still in the shell. He was facinated that the foot closed up the opening as a way to protect the snail. Yes, he did put it back ---eventhough he did ask to bring it home :)

From the path you can look down on the river, and the kids were thrilled to see all the turtles sunning themselves on logs.
I have so many pictures that I broke it up into 2 posts, so be sure to see part 2.

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Blogger The Little Miss said...

those pictures are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like come visit my blog for a giveaway :
we try to have a brand new giveaway a week!!! So follow us so you don't miss out!

October 23, 2009 at 12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your photography is gorgeous, and so are your kids! <3

October 23, 2009 at 8:42 PM  
Blogger Adriana said...

What a great idea to have the kids sketch what they see!

October 24, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

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