Learning Curve and Workbox Stuff
For the past several months my wrist and hand have been hurting me if I'm on the computer too much. The problem is, I need to be on the computer to continue my free-lance work and my digital scrapbooking work. So my wonderful husband surprised me by getting me a Bamboo Fun Tablet. After he saw it sitting in the box for over a week, he asked why I hadn't installed it yet. Truth was, my computer was on the fritz and I thought if I added one more thing to it I might just get the blue screen of death! So once again, my husband went the extra mile for me and gave me his new computer! When he went to get it set-up in my office, he couldn't believe how small the work-surface on my desk was, and he thinks that also contributed to the amount of hand/arm pain I was experiencing because I couldn't rest my arm properly and use the mouse. So he switched desks with me! I now have a huge desk where I can put 2 laptops (I have to get all the files off my old one still) my Bamboo tablet, a couple EHD's and a light. I'm thrilled! I also installed PSE 6.0, which came with the tablet, replacing my PSE 4.0. With all this goodness though, I'm finding there is a little bit of a learning curve. So I probably won't have many posts until next week.
One thing I would like to point out is a new feature I'm trying called : Look Who's Talking About Workboxes. It is a dynamic (constantly changing) article that highlights who tweets about the workbox system, who blogs about it, and each week a featured workbox blog post picked up from my internet searching or via submitted submissions. So if you tweet, it would be helpful to use the hash tag: #workboxes or have workboxes somewhere in the tweet. If you have a helpful tip, or a blog post about workboxes that you would like highlighted, send me the link. Your blog will be featured on the Look Who's Talking site and listed here on my blog. The first featured blog post will be on Wed. Sept. 23. If you have a post you'd love highlighted, send me the link via my contact button. I will just be linking to your article, not reprinting the article. The cool thing is that just by talking about workboxes we can also raise money for the Salvation Army at the same time!
One thing I would like to point out is a new feature I'm trying called : Look Who's Talking About Workboxes. It is a dynamic (constantly changing) article that highlights who tweets about the workbox system, who blogs about it, and each week a featured workbox blog post picked up from my internet searching or via submitted submissions. So if you tweet, it would be helpful to use the hash tag: #workboxes or have workboxes somewhere in the tweet. If you have a helpful tip, or a blog post about workboxes that you would like highlighted, send me the link. Your blog will be featured on the Look Who's Talking site and listed here on my blog. The first featured blog post will be on Wed. Sept. 23. If you have a post you'd love highlighted, send me the link via my contact button. I will just be linking to your article, not reprinting the article. The cool thing is that just by talking about workboxes we can also raise money for the Salvation Army at the same time!
Labels: Workbox
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