Saturday, September 19, 2009

Big Daddy Weave

Last weekend my friend and I took our daughters to their first concert. We drove to Kokomo IN to see Big Daddy Weave! I was looking forward to spending some individual time with my daughter, but was a little ambivalent about the concert. I really like Big Daddy Weave. I don't particularly enjoy being in huge crowds. I would have been just as happy to hear him sing on my car cd player as I would in person, but being at the actual concert doesn't happen every day. So I went for my daughter. Well I don't know why I wasn't excited! It was an awesome concert! It was held outside at a park, which just made it more personable, and I love that he wasn't just performing, but worshiping too. If you haven't heard of Big Daddy Weave before, you can hear some of his songs here: BDW Discography

Since the concert was out-of-town, we booked a hotel for the night. The girls had a blast! It is so nice that my good friend and I both have girls the same age, and that they are best friends. Our goal this year is to plan a couple intentional outings with our tween daughters to create memories with them and have opportunities to talk to them about growing up and growing deeper with God. What a fun weekend!



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