Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Easy Grammar: Plus

This year when I was planning my oldest daughter’s curriculum, I began searching for a grammar program that would work for us. I came across Easy Grammar and was very intrigued and optimistic that it really would be easy to implement!

Since we were new to this system and my daughter would be doing 8th grade work, I opted to put her in the Easy Grammar: Plus books.  Easy Grammar Plus gives students grade 6th on up a solid, basic understanding of grammar.  Here are some highlights:

non-grade level (junior high through adult) 
contains additional higher level concepts such as gerunds plus
the perfect and progressive tenses 
includes more difficult capitalization and punctuation rules 
unit reviews, unit tests, cumulative reviews, and
cumulative tests 
starreproducible worksheets (answer key on left side and reproducible page on right)
starTests are also in the teacher edition.


Easy Grammar uses a prepositional approach. What that means is that the student memorizes a list of prepositions first. By knowing the prepositions, the student can cross-out prepositional phrases to easily identify the subject and the verb of a sentence. Yes, it does take a little work to get those prepositions down pat, but once the student does—it really is easy grammar.

The teacher’s manual has all that you need. It is huge! I love it. It contains the answers on one side and the student page to copy on the other side.  I did however, get the student text and the student test booklet because they probably cost about the same as an ink cartridge and are neatly bound.

What We Thought:

I am so please with this program. It is practical, easy to implement and no frills. It teaches grammar in a way that is easy to grasp. Grammar has never been my daughter’s favorite subject and now it is! Just kidding on that last part. It still isn’t her favorite subject but now it’s doable. She isn’t overwhelmed and now feels like she is learning and understanding grammar. I appreciate the way the program is organized. It is easy for me to pick up the teacher’s manual and know what is going on.  Everything is there for me.


You might be wondering what the difference is between Easy Grammar, Easy Grammar Plus and Easy Grammar Ultimate. I did too at first.

Easy Grammar is the grade level grammar series for grades 2-6th.  You can combine this program with Daily Grams:  a 5-10 minute, daily review to be used at the beginning of every lesson.

Easy Grammar: Plus is a non-grade level program for junior high through adult. So if you need to brush up on your grammar, Easy Grammar Plus would work for you too.

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series:  are 10 min. teaching texts aimed for grades 8th - 12th.

There are many resources available on the website. I enjoyed listening to several of the videos by Dr. Phillips too. She explains her methodology for the program and why it works.

Easy Grammar is a welcome addition to our homeschool curriculum. I know I will continue using the program with my older daughter, and will be starting it with my 6th grader and 3/4th grader in January. Yeah! A grammar program that is working for us. I encourage you to check it out too.


Disclosure: I was given this product for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.



Blogger Jolanthe Erb said...

Just ordered this for us to use as well. :)

October 25, 2011 at 10:14 AM  
Blogger Karin Katherine said...

We started using it this year (3rd grade) and I love it. Great review!

October 27, 2011 at 2:05 PM  

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