Friday, October 8, 2010

Virtual Field Trips with Digital Frog

I believe that the best way to experience nature is go out and experience it. When that's not possible, the next best is to learn about it through books, pictures and videos. Digital Frog brings the world of natural science, ecology and geography to life via DVD's.

Digifrog Desert

What is Digital Frog?

Digital Frog is a software company that creates high-quality educational, multimedia CD-ROMs with an ecological focus. Here is a listing of what they have to offer:

What I Thought: 

I was given the Digital Frog Field Trip Series DVD I had my 7th grader and 5th grader work through the field trips. Certain components of the field trips (the videos and field trip portion) would be interesting to younger students, but I feel overall, older elementary through middle school would get the most out of this series. The amount of reading and the vocabulary make it better for older children.

My 7th grade daughter worked through the Rainforest module and my 5th grade son worked through the Desert module. Both enjoyed working through the virtual field trip components of the modules. Another big plus for them was that they got to "learn" by playing on the computer. This is a great motivator for my son--if this information was just in a book he would have balked at doing it.

I liked that this came as a DVD. You can run it without having to have your students on-line. There is so much information packed into each field trip--so much that it can be a little overwhelming at times. The creators did a good job of adding in different elements to keep students interested. You can pan around the scene and move to different areas of the field trip so you feel like you are actually walking around. If a student does not know a word they can click on it and a definition will pop up. There is a nice mix of videos and interactive elements, games and quizzes.

Depending on how you use these DVD's, this can be a very complete science unit. Included on each DVD is a teacher's manual and a printable student field guide. Not only that, there are also graphics included if you want to make your own resources. I feel they went the extra mile to include resources for educators. If you print the field guide out, students will answer questions and take notes on the information they are accessing on the DVD. I feel like this series was very well-made and planned out.

Disclosure: I was given this product for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Blogger Denise said...

We enjoyed this program too! So much to see & do !

October 8, 2010 at 9:20 AM  
Blogger Dawn said...

Great review! Love the pic with your son showing the program on the computer...creative! Have a wonderfully blessed day!

October 8, 2010 at 11:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We really enjoyed this product, too. We've barely scratched the surface of what all is available on the DVD's and I look forward to using the workbooks with my oldest as part of her science over the next few years!

October 10, 2010 at 7:38 AM  

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