Friday, July 2, 2010

Playdough, Park, and Hermie

Wednesday was a spontaneous fun-filled day for us. In the morning my little girls were getting into everything while we were trying to get our chores done, so we pulled out all our Playdough gear. We haven't played with Playdough in awhile so that kept them occupied long enough for us to get some work done. I think the older kids have just has much fun with Playdough as the younger ones. :)

I haven't been feeling well the past 2 weeks, either due to allergies or pregnancy or combination of both--- but I just feel blah all the time. I knew that we just needed to get out of the house and have some fun. Since the temperature was nice, I thought a day at the park would be the perfect outing. We called some friends to see if they could meet us, packed a lunch and drove to the next town to play on their playsets.

For the car-ride home we put in our new video from Tommy Nelson called "Hermie: Who Is In Charge Anyway? A Lesson in Growing Up With God." I received this DVD as part of the BookSneeze program and was looking forward to seeing this new movie since my girls love Flo and Hermie. (I listened to it while driving and then watched it at home) ;)

Who is in Charge Anyway? is about a little flea who learns that God didn't make anyone by accident and that he's not finished with us yet. The lesson is based on Psalm 90:16 "Show your servants the wonderful things you do; show your greatness to their children."

I love that Tommy Nelson has wholesome videos my children can watch. This video flipped back and forth between older snippets from previous movies and the current storyline. This was to show Freddie how God worked in the other characters' lives. My 8yr. old was able to follow the flipping back and forth because she remembered seeing the original movies. My 3yr. and almost 2yr. old had a hard time paying attention to the movie. It seemed a little slow and confusing for them to follow. I was a little disappointed that it didn't hold their attention as well as their favorite Flo movie. Still, the message was good and I think if they were a little older they would have been able to follow along better. This DVD has several other features added such as a trivia game, behind the scenes and sing-along. My 8yr. old enjoyed seeing and using these features. I would probably recommend this video for kids 4 and up. 

So sometimes unplanned days have fun events unfold!

I review for BookSneeze

Disclosure: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Anonymous Cia said...

Getting up and getting out when you're not feeling well speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. I'm so happy to be able to count you among my blog friends. God bless you and I hope you are feeling better very soon.

July 7, 2010 at 11:39 AM  

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