Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sometimes it's the simple things...

Sometimes it's the simple things that keep a toddler occupied. We have had lots of rain lately, so I've had to come up with a couple boredom-buster activities for my toddler and preschooler. On a whim I pulled out some ginormous plastic coins that I got at the Dollar Tree and a coffee can. I cut a X in the lid and poured the coins on the floor. I could not believe how long my 1 1/2 yr. old sat there and put the coins in, dumped them out, and did it over again.

Look at her concentrating. I just love it when she sticks her little tongue out like that. Too cute!

Here you can see how big the coins really are. I first used them for a Bible craft but had plenty of left-overs.

The next day we used the cans for a bean-bag toss game. So look around your house and you'll find many fun, easy, and entertaining activities to do with your toddler. For more toddler activity ideas see:



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