Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's More Blessed to Give...

Today was the first day that we removed a link off our Advent Chain. The theme for today was sharing. The verses read were John 3:1-21. God shared his son with us even though he knew we'd hurt him and turn our backs on him. God shared his son as a gift to us with no strings attached. We can either accept his gift or reject it. Christmas reminds us of this precious gift offered to us. A gift. Given. Waiting to be received. What an example our Heavenly Father sets for us!

During this holiday season and beyond, I want to provide some intentional opportunities for my children and my family to give back and serve others. I want God to open my eyes to the needs around and how I can fill them. Here are some ideas:

christmas caroling

1. Visit a nursing home. (Make it a monthly activity!) For the past couple of years we have visited several nursing homes with our homeschool co-op. We sing and recite verses that we've memorized and hand out cards. You can also:
- play board games with the residents
- paint fingernails
- listen
- put on a concert
- pray

2. Drop In & Decorate. I love this idea!
"Drop In & Decorate is a simple concept: bake some cookies, invite friends or family (or neighbors, or co-workers) to stop in and help decorate, then donate your cookies to a local food pantry, emergency shelter, senior center, lunch program, or other community agency. (Or, sell your cookies at a bake sale, and donate the proceeds to a community agency.) ~Drop In & Decorate.org"

3. Volunteer at a local food bank/soup kitchen.

4. Make cards for local charities to hand out.

5. Shovel snow for a neighbor (if your part of the world has snow).

6. Shop for an Angel Tree child. The Salvation Army hosts Angel Trees in various communities. You pick an ornament off the tree with the name and item needed and shop for that child. This is a great activity for children to do. Have you child pick the ornament and shop for the gift.

7. Donate a toy for Toys for Tots.

8. Purchase an extra box of Angel Food and give it to someone in need. (Orders need to be in early Dec.)

9. Visit a friend or neighbor that you haven't seen in awhile.

10. Shop for canned goods and other non-perishable food and donate it to a local food-bank.

11. Host (or help out) a Birthday Party for Jesus or Snowman Christmas Party for your neighborhood.

12. Donate to a local Animal Shelter. Families with Purpose has a neat Dog Days of Summer activity for summer, but could be done anytime.

Other links to check out:

Kids with Purpose
Volunteering at Christmas

live the gospel



Blogger Unknown said...

I love the Drop in and Decorate idea... thx.

I am trying to make changes as well.

December 9, 2009 at 5:54 PM  

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