Welcome to Spell Outloud, my little corner of the internet.
My name is Maureen Spell and I am a Christian homeschooling mom of 6.
Spell Outloud has nothing to do with spelling and everything to do with learning--especially for families with young children. I share many hands-on toddler and preschool crafts, activities, and
free printables. With kids ranging from toddler to teen, I am able to highlight many varied homeschool activities and curriculum reviews. I've been homeschooling for over 10 years and consider it a lifestyle. I love brainstorming and sharing ideas and hope that the activities and information found on this blog help others in their educational journey.
Some of the topics you'll find here are:
* Toddler/preschool activities,
ABC ideas, and
* Homeschool projects and themes
* Free educational
* Curriculum, books, and family
product reviews (Please contact me for more information if you'd like me to do a review/giveaway.)
In addition to writing on my blog, I also write educational and craft articles on
Squidoo and am a contributor on
Totally Tots and
The Homeschool Village.
What? Still want to know more?
You can check out my lensography: Spell Outloud's Scrapbook
Ultimate Blog Party Posts:
Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post and 2011 Blog Party
Our 2011-12 Curriculum List
My about.me page
Click here for my full disclosure policy.Labels: Introduction