Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love Languages

The other day the kids and I were having a discussion about Love Languages. We talked about how some people feel loved when they are given gifts, others feel loved when they are hugged, and some feel loved when someone does something for them, like emptying the dishwasher when it wasn't their job. After much fussing, the kids had finally finished doing all their chores for the day. DD#3 (she is known for dragging her feet or convincing others to do her work) looked at me and said, "Well mom, you should feel pretty loved then." :)


Monday, March 30, 2009

Counting Bears

Aren't these just the cutest bears? Ok, I've seen cuter ones too, but these make me happy. I bought my first set for DD#1 almost 7 years ago. I was so excited to have hands-on math manipulatives for her. Math was a struggle for me when I was a kid, and I was determined to give DD#1 a good start. I had high expectations for those little critters. I actually used them with her too. They were used for counting, sorting and modeling word problems. Out of 100 she only lost a couple. Then came DS. He lost over half of them in his first year of life. So I bought another set so that we could still count to 100. I can't remember actually using them with him, but I'm sure I did---after all that was the whole reason I bought them right?. ;)
Next came DD#2. She's seven now and I am pretty sure she's never used them for math. I've found them instead in the bathtub, in Barbie's swimming pool, in Dora's dollhouse, and in army formations. She and DS have buried them, tied them and even colored them. These bears have grown out of control just like Legos. I'm always stepping on them or washing them in the laundry. Now DD#3 is old enough to start using the bears for sorting. And guess what. Out of 200 counting bears, less than 20 can be found. Maybe that's a good thing. I've had my eye on these little buggers but could never justify getting them since we already had the counting bears. So maybe the end of an era has come-- out with the bears and in with the bugs.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

About Spell Outloud

Welcome to Spell Outloud, my little corner of the internet. 

My name is Maureen Spell and I am a Christian homeschooling mom of 6. Spell Outloud has nothing to do with spelling and everything to do with learning--especially for families with young children. I share many hands-on toddler and preschool crafts, activities, and free printables. With kids ranging from toddler to teen, I am able to highlight many varied homeschool activities and curriculum reviews. I've been homeschooling for over 10 years and consider it a lifestyle. I love brainstorming and sharing ideas and hope that the activities and information found on this blog help others in their educational journey.

Some of the topics you'll find here are:

* Toddler/preschool activities, ABC ideas, and crafts
* Homeschool projects and themes
* Free educational printables
* Curriculum, books, and family product reviews (Please contact me for more information if you'd like me to do a review/giveaway.)

In addition to writing on my blog, I also write educational and craft articles on Squidoo and am a contributor on Totally Tots and The Homeschool Village.

I currently am offering family-friendly advertising on my blog and my printables site: Advertising on Spell Outloud

You can contact me:
Email: Spell Outloud
Twitter: Spell Outloud

Facebook: Spell Outloud

To receive the latest updates from Spell Outloud click here to subscribe to this blog

What? Still want to know more?

You can check out my lensography: Spell Outloud's Scrapbook

Ultimate Blog Party Posts: Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post and 2011 Blog Party
Our 2011-12 Curriculum List
My about.me page

Click here for my full disclosure policy.



Besides this blog, I also write articles, or "lenses" on Squidoo. I write there for two main reasons. I enjoy the community of support, especially the RocketMoms community and Giant Squid community, and I like the ability to add multiple features in one article. If you'd like more information, or would like to sign up, let me know and I'll help walk you through your first article.

All About Me:
Spell Outloud's Scrapbook
Spell Outloud's Zazzle Gallery

Bible/Christian Faith:
The Wordless Book

How to Make an Altered Composition Book
Valentine Candy Holders
I Spy Bottles
Printable Halloween Crafts

Digital Scrapbooking Articles:
Educational Scrapbooking
Quick Pages

Holiday Articles:
Birthday Party for Jesus
Christmas Crafts Video Showcase
How to Make a Christmas Photo Card
Snowman Party
Printable Halloween Crafts
Valentine Candy Holders

Homeschool/Education Articles:
Butterfly Unit for Young Children
Working the Workboxes
Toddler Workboxes
Best of Workboxes on Twitter
Toddler Turtle Unit
Pattern Blocks for Toddlers

Local Articles:
Muncie Animal Rescue

Misc. Articles:
The Perfect Beginner's Bike

Pumpkin Squares Dessert

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 19 August 2009

Spell Outloud is a personal blog written and edited by me, Maureen Spell. For questions about this blog, please contact scrappermo@yahoo.com

Occasionally companies approach me to review their products. I do not accept money or products in exchange for writing a positive review, disregarding my own opinion. I may however, keep the review product sent to me, but that does not guarantee a positive review. I am very selective about the companies I work with. I want my reviews to fit in with the themes of my blog, which are homeschooling, child-friendly products, digital scrapbooking and photography.

Right now I do not have any paid ads or sponsored posts, but I may in the future. If/when that occurs, they will be clearly identified as sponsors. I do however, place affiliate links in my posts when appropriate. All my affiliates are clearly listed on my side-bar.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely mine. I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

Just so you know, I am a creative team member of Designer Digitals (www.designerdigitals.com) That's why you see all their wonderful stuff on my blog.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org

