Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nursery Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty

We are getting back into the nursery rhyme groove after taking a week off. Our nursery rhyme of the week was Humpty Dumpty!

We've read Humpty Dumpty many times in our Nursery Rhyme book. I love to add sequence activities though to see if the girls can remember details. It's also another opportunity to practice memorizing the rhyme.

We also created an easy Humpty Dumpty story prop craft. All you need is a wooden egg with a flat bottom (I found mine in the craft section at Meijer), 2 google eyes, glue, and a black Sharpie marker. Optional items: small pom pom and craft foam scrap piece for a hat.

Glue the eyes on to the egg. Then draw a face with the black marker. We decided our Humpty Dumpty needed a hat, so we fashioned one out of a piece of scrap foam and a pom pom.

While Humpty Dumpty is drying, have your child build Humpty Dumpty a wall! My daughter chose her brother's Lego's over her Duplo's, but you could use wooden blocks too.

Place Humpty Dumpty high on his wall. Then reenact the rhyme!

 We made sure to color our Humpty Dumpty coloring sheet to add to our Nursery Rhyme notebook. 

I often find my little girls "reading" their nursery rhyme notebook around the house. They have most of them memorized already just by hearing them read so many times.

I printed off a Humpty Dumpty puzzle from my Mother Goose Phonics book by Scholastic. This book has many printable work sheets that work with word blends and rhyming words. Though it is a little too difficult for my 3yr. old,  the materials are probably just right for my 5 yr. old.

Yeah! Humpty Dumpty was put back together again!

You can keep up with all our Nursery Rhyme activities on my Nursery Rhyme page.

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Blogger Ticia said...

This is one of my kids favorite nursery rhymes. Especially with the second verse we added about the ribbon and glue.

March 8, 2012 at 10:20 AM  
Blogger Michelle Gibson said...

Super cute, Maureen! I'm lovin' this series!

March 8, 2012 at 11:27 AM  
Blogger m.wright said...

cute. My daughter has been asking to do humpty dumpty since we started but I was putting it on hold till later. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration.


March 8, 2012 at 12:21 PM  

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