Thursday, February 23, 2012

Educational Games: Ancient Egypt and Military Jets Card Games

We have been studying ancient history this year and have just finished learning about Ancient Egypt via living books, Mystery of History, and crafts. I'm always on the look-out for good supplemental materials for our studies--especially fun, hands-on type things. When I saw the Ancient Egypt Card Game from BirdCage Press, I was very interested in checking it out.

The deck of Ancient Egypt cards can be used both as a review tool and a game. The set of cards comes with a little booklet that goes over all the information on the cards. The information is divided into 6 groups: gods, goddesses, symbols, pharaohs, mummies, and afterlife.

I appreciated that the images on the cards were photographic images of real Ancient Egyptian artifacts and artwork. On each card there was a short description of the photograph. I learned quite a bit just by reading the cards.

Of course we had to play the game. The rules were the same as Go Fish. Thankfully each card had a category number on it so we could easily tell what card our opponent was asking for. I will admit that saying, "Do you have an afterlife card?" did sound weird--lol. My kids enjoyed playing this game and it was a great way to review many of the pharohs and artifacts we had learned in our history lessons.

I also picked up Battle cards: Military Jets. I knew this would be perfect for my son and husband.

The cards are wonderful! They contain a photograph of the airplane, the name, and information about the airplane.

There are several ways to play this game (listed in the information booklet.) We choose to play the Old Maid version. You can see from the picture that my son was enjoying this! Across the table sat his sisters who loved the game just as much as he did. I was glad I played because I started  learning the names of some of the planes my son and husband talk about. Now I feel like I have a reference point when the conversation turns to planes.

So what do I think?
I think Birdcage Press has produced quality, educational games that can easily be added to various unit studies and curriculum. Birdcage Press has card games available in the following categories: Art, Wildlife and Nature, Air and Space, and History. The cards are durable and very informative. I'm impressed with the quality of the booklet and the cards. It's a great way to sneak a little learning while having fun.

If you can't wait and want to order now, Birdcage Press has a free shipping code good through 3/31/12
Use IN12

I'm giving away one set of cards from Birdcage Press. The winner will get to choose either the Ancient Egypt set of cards or Battle Cards: Military Jets (be sure to check below for giveaways for other card sets from my blogging friends.) I am using Rafflecopter to run this giveaway. You can enter either with Facebook or by using your email address. This is just in order to have a way to contact the winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out these blogs for more giveaway options!
Spell Outloud -- Choice of Egyptian Art Cards or Battle Cards-Military Jets
Finding Joy -- Choice of Wild Cards – North American Birds or Art Ditto Game.
Jimmie's Collage --Choice of Impressionist or Renaissance Art Game
Mama's Learning Corner -- Renaissance Art Game
Handbook of Nature Study -- Wild Cards-Backyard Birds
Harmony Art Mom -- Choice of Go Fish for Art or Art Close-Up Cards
The Curriculum Choice -- Art Ditto Memory Game
Hodgepodge -- Go Fish for Wildlife – Sea Creatures
The Traveling Praters -- Choice of Go Fish for Van Gogh and Friends or 52 Amazing Places-National Parks
Get Along Home -- Choice of Wild Cards, Backyard Birds or Renaissance Art Game

Disclosure: I received the games for review purposes only. I was not compensated for my time. The opinions stated are mine.

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Blogger sarah in the woods said...

I would love the Egyptian art cards!

February 23, 2012 at 11:45 AM  
Blogger KackyK said...

Those military cards would be a big hit here! Thanks for the chance!

February 23, 2012 at 12:59 PM  
Blogger live4evermom said...

We could use these as part of our learning on the go.

February 23, 2012 at 1:05 PM  
Anonymous Melanie said...

The contest is over, but I just want to chime in that we looooove Mystery of History. Thanks for sharing the ideas! :)

February 28, 2012 at 6:32 PM  

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