Friday, November 19, 2010

A Co-op Tradition

Every semester our co-op visits a local nursing home. We recite the verses we've memorized and songs we've learned for the semester.

Here's my 2yr. old singing "Keep Me As the Apple of Your Eye" from Songs for Saplings.

Ok, she isn't singing, but doesn't she look cute? My 3yr. old is missing. She sang from the back seats of the room. :)  The older kids sang too, but I can never get good pictures. One favorite song they sang was Phil 4: 6-7 from Seeds of Courage.

(A resident with one of the Thanksgiving cards the kids made)

We've done this now for the past 3 years. It's become our end-of-the-semester tradition. What a great tradition to have! And you know what, if it had been left to me to start it, I would have dropped the ball. Going to nursing homes is out of my comfort zone. Planning field trips are out of my comfort zone. Performing in front of people (though I've done it many times) is out of my comfort zone. But one mom saw a need, and we knew that we needed to put feet to our words, and step out of what was familiar to us and go. And you know what, every year I am humbled, touched and blessed. I saw my 8 yr. old go up and carry on a conversation with a beautiful, elderly lady who was not totally lucid. I saw another young girl hand out Bibles to residents that she bought with her own money. I watched one of our preschoolers crawl onto the lap of a white-haired grandma and sit with her during the presentation. These kids are teaching me and reminding me what it means to love. The residents with their smiles and stories blessed me beyond measure. Oh what a gift this tradition has been to me!



Blogger Corina said...

What a fantastic tradition! We've begun to visit a local assisted living place more now that friends have moved in there. It always seems to be a blessing to all - us and them - when we visit.

November 19, 2010 at 7:59 AM  
Blogger Nikki said...

This is so, so sweet! This is something that will make a forever impact on your children!

November 19, 2010 at 9:19 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Yes she is cute! Wonderful way to end the semester.

November 23, 2010 at 8:07 AM  
Blogger Parent and Child Reading Assistance said...

Very nice! Your co-op sounds great! Love your blog.

November 24, 2010 at 12:31 PM  

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