Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Time 4 Learning (Review)

We recently finished our 1 month free trial of the Time 4 Learning website. When I first saw this online curriculum I knew that this might be just what two of my kids needed. I was curious to see what it was all about, and the timing to try it out was perfect since I just had a baby and we were a little off our normal school schedule anyway.

What is Time 4 Learning?

It is an online PreK- 8th grade curriculum that can be used as the sole curriculum for the student, or as a supplement. It can be used in homeschools, as afterschool learning, as summer school or for tutoring.

What We Thought:

I signed 4 of my kids up on Time 4 Learning. Since we are in a transition time in our household with the addition of Lil Pumpkin, I thought that having the older kids do some school work independently would be helpful at this time.

Pre-K: My preschooler enjoyed being on Time 4 Learning, and was very adept at getting around the site on her own. Her favorite features were watching the song videos and playing games on the "Playground".

3rd Grade: My main interest in this program was for my 3rd grader. She is on the edge of being able to do things independently, and since I'm not readily available to help her with her work at the moment, I thought online learning might be a good solution. The main subjects I wanted her to cover each day were Language Arts and Math (we were doing science, geography and Bible together). She loved using Time 4 Learning. There were no tears nor did I have to remind her to stay on task. She would do the subjects I asked her to do plus more---her own choice. I was so proud to see how much she was reading each day via the lessons.

5th Grade: My son was also very motivated to do his school work on the computer. He would do what was required and then hit the "Playground"--the section where the kids can do games. He would have done more if he hadn't had to keep up with his other school work.

7th Grade: My 12yr. old wasn't really interested in doing Time 4 Learning. She liked the games, but preferred to be reading books and writing instead. That's just her learning style--not a reflection of the material on Time 4 Learning.

 Other Features:

- The Time4Learning educational software partner is CompassLearning®, which provides a standards-based online education curriculum for school districts across the U.S. This means the program correlates to state standards.

- This is a secular curriculum, so there might be some content presented that doesn't mesh with Christian beliefs (i.e. gods and goddess in history, timeline dates, some of the humor etc). The nice thing is that there is a discussion thread available on the Parent's forum that can help you decide if it is something you need to skip or talk over with your children.

- Lesson Plans are available as well as the ability to print worksheets.

I think Time 4 Learning worked perfectly as a supplement to our curriculum and was an excellent option for us during this transition time of adding a newborn to the family. I felt like my kids were still learning while I was working on figuring out what our new normal would be with Lil Pumpkin. I'm actually considering (if our school budget allows) keeping my 3rd grader and 5th grader enrolled with the program.

Disclosure: I was given this product free for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like this was fun for most of your kids. I've thought about using this as a supplement for my K'er. It looks like the type of thing she'd enjoy, especially the "playground".

November 19, 2010 at 4:50 AM  

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