Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Preschool Co-op Planning

I've been in preschool planning mode the past several weeks and am finally seeing an end in sight! Actually planning curriculum/lessons is something I enjoy doing. I like pulling things together from various websites and resources and seeing it all come together. Since I'm expecting right at the beginning of co-op, I have been trying to make everything super easy for the mom(s) who will be subbing for me. It should pretty much be grab-and-go! I've organized and sorted craft kits, laminated and cut-out materials and filed under the appropriate heading. I plan on sharing all the links for each theme during the month of September.

1. Colors
2. Numbers
3. Shapes
4. Pets
5. Houses and Homes
6. Pumpkins
7. Thanksgiving

At the beginning of co-op we will have Bible time (30min.). I've planned the lessons around Songs for Saplings. Of course I don't want to reinvent materials so I am using the printables that Carisa from 1+1+1=1/ Totally Tots has made that go along with the CD.

 I've put my Xyron 900 Creative Station to good use these past couple of weeks! I was able to quickly turn all the verse cards into magnets with it, and I laminated the posters for each verse. I also tried to come up with an easy object lesson/explanation for each verse. I'm excited about getting the word into our little ones' hearts!

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Anonymous Ashley Pichea said...

I would love to have a preschool co-op to be a part of! What a great idea of having one mom organize it and then all share in the teaching responsibilities!

September 1, 2010 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Ticia said...

I love my Creation Station too! It's awesome

September 1, 2010 at 8:57 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Look at how organized you are! I really should plan more ahead instead of just a week in advance. Maybe take one weekend and get everything together! I always feel so scattered when trying to get things together!

September 1, 2010 at 10:46 PM  

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