Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alpaca Farm Field Trip

My kids and I went with a group of local homeschoolers to visit an alpaca farm in our area this week. Nothing beats walking around the farm in almost 90 degree weather with one kid who didn't want to walk but be carried. :) Thankfully, her big sister helped out a lot.

First we got a tour of the barnyard area. There were chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits. I think my youngest two would have stayed there all day and petted that rabbit.

Helping us with our tour was one of the farm dogs. I'm sure he/she has a name, but I wasn't paying attention at the time. I was probably trying to keep track of my 5 kids. :) My 3yr. old loved this dog! She walked right next to him with her hand on his back for a good portion of the trip.

Mama goose. She wasn't very happy we were there.

Baby goose---I just couldn't resist!

Alpacas! Like I said, it was hot! Most of the alpacas were down by the river to keep cool.

More alpacas. I had never been so close to an alpaca before. They were really quite fascinating and beautiful.

Thanks to Julia for setting this trip up! She was instrumental in setting up our local Homeschool Explorers group. Basically it is a local email loop where anyone can set up a field trip. It is then posted to the list and if you are interested, you contact the field trip coordinator. I love that I can pick and choose field trips that my kids will be interested in, and I also love meeting other homeschoolers from our area and surrounding areas that I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. This group has been a rich addition to our homeschooling experience by providing real-life experiences I probably would have never done on my own.

Alpaca Resources:

Alpaca Coloring Page
Alpaca Facts
Listen to an Alpaca

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! Have to share the goose with Andrew who has a real fondness for those commercials! -- Christine

May 27, 2010 at 8:03 PM  

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