Monday, May 9, 2011


My family was sent MonkiSee Baby’s First Words and a book to review. MonkiSee is a video series that teaches reading and object recognition to children 3mo – 2yr. old.

The first video in the series, Baby’s First Words, introduces children to 40 different words—from body part names to familiar words like bottle, bath and sleep. Using puppets, music, and poems children are introduced to the various words and concepts. By watching the video multiple times, children will memorize shapes and patterns that make up the words. Children are also able to learn phonics intuitively through this process. Monki See recommend using the video, flashcards, and slideshows daily to get the best possible results.

We also were sent the book, Know Your Monkey to review as well:

 These books are designed to teach babies to read while being read to. These books are specifically arranged to display large text while keeping the illustrations separate, so attention is naturally directed toward the written word.~ MonkiSee website


What We Thought:

I had my 6mo. old, 2yr. old and 4yr. old watch this DVD program.  We did not watch it every day nor did we watch the slide show daily. When we did watch it, my 4yr. old and 2yr. old enjoyed the movie. They enjoy watching programs with singing and puppets, so this was right up their alley. My 6mo. old wasn’t interested in all. She would watch a few scenes here and there and then look for something to chew on. 

I thought that the DVD taught vocabulary more than reading. There weren’t enough written word exposure in the DVD for a child to really connect the written word with the object or action. The slideshow portion of the DVD did a better job at having the words and objects/actions connect. So if you did use this program for teaching reading, you would have to do both portions (movie and slideshow) to see results.

My girls did enjoy having me read them the book too.  We have not used the program long enough to see if it really helps babies and toddlers learn to read. I can say that it is a nice edu-entertainment DVD and book set that does a good job at introducing vocabulary.

Price: $24.95 for the DVD
$11.95 for the book
For more information see the MonkiSee website.

For More MonkiSee Reviews See:

Disclosure: I am a member of TOS and I was given this product free for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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