Monday, March 7, 2011

Reading Kingdom


I’m always looking for ways to help my children become fluent and strong readers. When I was offered to try Reading Kingdom with my family, I knew that this might be a good fit for my 4yr. old and my 9yr. old struggling reader.

 How it Works:

Reading Kingdom is an online reading program created by Dr. Marion Blank for children ages 4 –10yrs. This unique program focuses on the 6 skills needed for reading: sequencing, motor skills, sounds, meaning, grammar, and comprehension.

Reading Kingdom contains pre-reading levels, which contains keyboard/mouse training and letter sequencing, and 5 levels of reading instruction. Once the program is completed, the student should be at a 3rd grade reading level. Because this program customizes instruction based on student skill surveys, no two instructional programs will be the same.

What We Thought:


 The 4yr. old:  My 4yr. old knew some of her letters, but not all of them before starting this review. She also was used to using a mouse, but did not know how to use the keyboard. When she first started the program, she took a skills inventory test, which placed her at keyboard and mouse training. You might think, “What does keyboard and mouse training have to do with reading?” Well after 2 weeks of doing only that, I wondered too, but then I noticed how well my 4yr. old was starting to navigate around the keyboard! She knew exactly where the letters were and could successfully type short letter combinations (hunt-and-peck style).  This program ties in reading, writing and spelling—so it’s necessary to have functional keyboarding skills.

My 4yr. old  is currently  in the letter sequencing stage of the program, which helps teach the left-right reading concept. I could actually see her learning this concept via the lessons. The lessons are short enough that she can stay focused and I would have never thought to have my preschooler start learning keyboarding.

The 9yr. old: I still have high hopes with this program for her. She was a little discouraged because she had to start out in keyboarding/mouse training  just like her younger sister, but thankfully, didn’t have to stay at that level long. She is still at the point of the program where you can’t really tell it’s a reading program---more letter sequencing and typing short words. My daughter is not a strong reader and has struggled becoming proficient. I think if we consistently use this program with her (should use at least 4-5 times a week), she will move through the program quicker and feel more confident. Right now it seems too babyish because she hasn’t yet moved on to the higher levels, so it has been a little challenging motivating her to use the program.

I plan on continuing this program with both girls alongside our current reading program. They offer a free 30 day trial, so it’s worth checking it out. 

Subscriptions to Reading Kingdom are $19.99/month.  If you have multiple children using the program, the cost per each additional child in your family is $9.99/month.  See the Reading Kingdom Website for additional ordering information.

For More Reading Kingdom Reviews See: Disclosure: I am a member of TOS and I was given this product free for review purposes only. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Blogger Reading Kingdom said...

Thank you for taking the time to review our Reading Kingdom program. We really appreciate it and are going to be featuring your review on our Facebook page next week -

We'd love to hear about your children's progress in the program, as they continue to use it. And if you encounter any issues, please contact us
( There may be a simple problem that we can help with. We're also working to update the program to deal with any problems children might be having in using it, so your feedback is very important to us.

March 22, 2011 at 4:04 PM  

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