Sunday, June 13, 2010

Scrapbooking Summer Memories

I have been thinking about how I wanted to document our summer and I think I finally have a plan! I'm going to be making an 8x8 (maybe I'll do 12x12) Shutterfly album of our whole year! That doesn't sound very innovative does it--lol! This is how I hope to accomplish it:

For each season of the year I will have a title page.  Here's my title page for the summer. This was so easy because I used Lynn Grieveson's summer quick page!  All I had to do was drop in my photo and add a title!  Recognize the sun in the layout? Yep, it's the same one used in our Big Summer Fun button. Lynn graciously let me use it for this series. Thanks Lynn! Using quick pages is a super easy way to get a layout done. You can find out more in my article Working with Digital Quick Pages.

See how easy? Page 1 in my album done! :)

Since I am a Project 365 drop-out (when you take a photo a day), I thought that maybe I'll be able to handle "The Monthly" instead. Cathy Zielske came up with this project as a way to document the year. You can read and see examples of this project on her blog: The Monthly Project. I plan on starting now with our summer photos. It doesn't seem as overwhelming to scrap highlights of the month. I always get bogged down with scrapping events that I usually don't scrap them at all! This seems doable to me --scrapping monthly event highlights. :) I'll be using a combination of Cathy's templates and Michelle Martin's template. To keep help keep me accountable, I will post each month's layout during the first week of the following month. Remind me if you don't see it! :)

So how will you be documenting your summer memories? Scrapbooks? Journals? Blogs? I'd love to hear about your plans! :)

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Blogger One Red Daisy said...

Blogging is a given, definitely, but I'm also hoping to scrapbook some important events and trips of the summer. I love the album idea. A friend of mine does that every year, one page for each month. Easy to keep up as the year goes on!

June 13, 2010 at 11:37 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I have just failed the 365 project for the fifth time. I keep setting these dates I am going to start and then falling behind after a month or so. Oh well, at least I have lots of everyday pictures. I love the idea to use templates with Shutterfly books. I've made so many I am getting a bit tired of the page layouts they provide. Do you have to do anything special to get digital LOs to show up properly?

August 21, 2010 at 9:54 PM  

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