Thursday, June 3, 2010

Big Summer Fun: Our Summer Plans

All of our official homeschool commitments have come to an end, but my kids will still be doing some school work through the summer:

-- Bible -- older two doing Kay Arthur's  God What's Your Name
-- Math - working through Math Mammoth this summer
-- Writing -- older two are working through their Jump In Writing Workbook
-- Reading -- each child has a reading workbox with books that I want them to read this summer.  Most are books left over from our Sonlight Cores.

Our goal each day is to have our schoolwork and our chores done by lunch-time so that if it is nice enough out, we can go to our local pool.

We also have some activities that we'd like to do this summer:

-- make our own ice-cream and have a party 
-- go strawberry picking
-- go to the zoo
-- go camping
-- lots of swimming
-- learn how to can
-- go to a couple local festivals
-- go to our local museum
-- walk/ride bikes on the Greenway
-- service projects
-- go bowling (we joined the kids bowl free program)

We aren't terribly structured because I need a planning break. I use the summers to start sorting out curriculum and ideas for the next school year, so I don't usually do too many structured summer activities. My goal is to get us all out of the house as much as possible and enjoy the outdoors. Whether it is just hanging out in the backyard or going on local field trips, I want to enjoy the sunshine before winter comes :)

We are going to try to celebrate these fun holidays too:


* 15 Nature Photography Day
* 25 LEON Day - LEON is NOEL spelled backwards. It is now six months until Christmas. Throw a snowman party in the summer.

* 18 National Ice Cream Day
* 24 Tell an Old Joke Day


* 3 National Night Out
18 Cupcake Day

Then I have some bordeom buster activities that I like to have available on those days the kids can't think of anything to do, or for a reward for jobs/behaviors well-done:

-- sprinkler/water fun
-- crafts (check back next week for some craft-related posts and a giveaway)
-- bubble games
-- outdoor chalk, paints and tools
-- picnic at the park
--  playdough party
-- board game marathon
-- tie-dying or creating own t-shirts
-- Tuesday Tea
-- movie night/afternoon

My friend Sarah and I are hosting Big Summer Fun We'll be sharing activity ideas, crafts and more. You can catch up on what we've already posted on the Big Summer Fun master list.

You can read about more summer plans at the Layton Family's Homeschool Village Blog Fair. Three homeschoolers I regularly follow are:

Homeschool Creations

Granola Mom 4 God




Blogger Unknown said...

We are going to start using the Jump In Workbook in the Fall. Be sure to give us updates and what you think.

June 3, 2010 at 10:31 PM  

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