Friday, April 23, 2010

The Best Toddler Toys

I know that many of you who read this blog either have young children, work with young children or know some young children. You've seen toys that your toddlers just love and you've also come across items that haven't held up to their reputation. I bet you have some opinions, neat uses for certain toys and creative ways to make toys (or learning activities) from everyday objects. That's why I'm so excited about sharing the new Squidoo club called Best Toys for Toddlers with you.

What is it?

Squidoo is a place where thousands of articles, or as we call them on Squidoo, lenses, are written on almost any imaginable topic. A group of lensmasters (the people who write the articles) have come together to form special interest groups. The articles included in the group all go along with the group theme. The Best Toys for Toddlers group focuses on, well --toys for toddlers!

How can I be involved?

1. You don't have to join to use the group at all! You can come read the many toddler toys reviews that are being written and share your favorites with others. You can check out the articles submitted to the Best Toys for Toddlers by stopping by the group's homepage

2. You can jump in and write your own review. This would require joining Squidoo, but there is no purchase necessary. In fact, I will help any of my blog readers with their first lens if they want. And, no, I don't get any perks other than personal satisfaction from helping another start their first lens. Here's the first lens challenge:

For your 1st toy review..... take a look at your home.... we are looking for bear-like toys... every toy that has a bear on it counts.... :))) .... take it in your hands, give it to your toddler, watch as he/she plays and take notes.... you'll use them tomorrow in your 1st toy review! :))))

All week on Facebook, Michelle, the group leader, will be helping new lensmasters walk through their first lens. You can also find out more information on what it takes to write a review be reading this article: How to Make a Great Toy Review

3. I know, I just threw a bunch of information at you, so the best way to keep up with all the toddler fun is to join one or all of the following:

Bookmark The Best Toys for Toddlers Club homepage
Follow The Best Toys for Toddlers on Facebook
Follow The Best Toys for Toddlers on Twitter

As part of the kick-off celebration of the new Best Toys for Toddlers group, we are having a contest:
Have your little one come up with a name for our cute bear mascot. You can submit your name on this lens: Hey Little Bear!

So come check out this new group and I'd appreciate if you'd help spread the news! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

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Anonymous Internet Bingo said...

Oh man, this is so great! I'll definitely visit the homepage and check it all out. My kids are always getting bored, so I need to keep em busy!

April 23, 2010 at 2:44 PM  

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