Scratch and Sniff Ornaments
As I expected, my little girls have loved smelling the stickers in The Sweet Smell of Christmas book. I remember doing the same thing when I was a kid. I thought it would be a great idea to mix the scratch-and-sniff idea along with our Names of Jesus advent chain study. So I gathered supplies so that we could make our own scratch-and-sniff Names of Jesus ornaments to put on our tree. I thought this would be a wonderful way to remember all the names of Jesus we have learned during this month while also being a keepsake.
Names of Jesus ornaments printables from Bible Story Printables
Various flavor packets of Kool-Aid
small containers
Mix each packet of Kool-Aid with 2 TBS of water and stir. Print out your ornaments on cardstock or watercolor paper.
The kids took their time and even experimented with mixing colors. After the pages were dry, we cut them out and tied string through the top to hang on the tree.
They turned out beautifully! When we scratched them, we could get a faint smell. So it doesn't work as well as the scratch-and-sniff stickers, but it was sure fun to paint with Kool-Aid!
Names of Jesus ornaments printables from Bible Story Printables
Various flavor packets of Kool-Aid
small containers
Mix each packet of Kool-Aid with 2 TBS of water and stir. Print out your ornaments on cardstock or watercolor paper.
All of my kids---ages 13-3yrs. old enjoyed this project. The Kool-Aid paint works just like watercolors.
They turned out beautifully! When we scratched them, we could get a faint smell. So it doesn't work as well as the scratch-and-sniff stickers, but it was sure fun to paint with Kool-Aid!
Labels: Christmas, Christmas books, crafts
Awesome!!! I love this idea...
I am headed to the store to buy Kool-Aid ;)
Adorable! I'LL RETWEET IT!
Those turned out great Mo!
;) Valerie
This is such a great idea! Please link it to Read.Explore.Learn on Friday!
This is such a great idea! I love how it incorporates smell, a sense that could use a little more attention! I'm going to link to this post today when I post my Sharing Saturday--let me know if that's a problem!
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